Step 1
Before you can make more money than you do now -- You have to make a change.
If you don't like the long distance company you are currently signed up with for telephone service, you CHANGE companies (Sprint, AT&T, etc.). If you don't like the yellow walls in your bedroom, you CHANGE the color by repainting them. If you don't like the service you get at a restaurant, you CHANGE restaurants.
In all three day-to-day situations described above, each one of them required a CHANGE in order to cause the situation you are currently in to be different. Makes sense, right?
First -- the ability to realize a CHANGE has to be made is acknowledged. For example: at some point, you CHANGED your mind about the service you were getting with your local long distance service. What caused you to make that realization is different in every circumstance. For instance, you might want to make the change because
you saw an ad on TV that showed you how much money you would save if you CHANGED;
you called your long distance company about a problem and the clerk was rude to you;
Hence, you don't want to do business with them and wish to CHANGE companies, or any other number of reasons why you decided to make a CHANGE.
Okay -- now we see that a decision was reached to make a CHANGE only after an event occurred which caused you to react -- which, in turn, caused you to initiate a CHANGE in your mind. (This may sound complicated, but reread it again. It's understanding is vitally important in order for you to make a CHANGE to make more money or achieve any other goal in your life.)
Some of you may say, "This is simple knowledge. It's only common sense." Then give yourself 5 Stars for the day! You understand its simplicity and we can now move forward. Others, though, find this concept hard and difficult to understand. That's why it is important for them to reread the paragraphs above as many times as they need to in order to understand its simple knowledge.
One of the biggest reasons for failure is that people don't take the time to "understand." Instead, they will place negative walls up around them by saying such things as, "I don't need to understand this. I want action instead of answers," or, "I need money now -- not next week. I'll look for something else to do physically instead of mentally to obtain my goals," or, "This mind stuff is for the birds. There has to be another way."
However, if you have read this far in this report, you are on the brink of doing something different with your life! I'm speaking to YOU!
Now, let's move on . . .
Step 2
We now understand that in order for a CHANGE to take effect in our lives (like making more money), we have to make a CHANGE in the way we are presently doing things. But let's go back to the example explained before -- which was deciding to make a CHANGE in order to switch long distance companies.
We understand an event has occurred that caused you to make this decision. Now, it's time to look for a way to make that CHANGE possible. It's time to take that decision you have made in your mind and turn it into a reality.
How are we going to do that? The answer is simple. We select another company to change our long distance company to, call them and sign up. The company makes it easy -- usually, all you have to do is call a 1-800 number and your long distance service is switched absolutely free. Problem solved!
Do you se what we did? Let's summarize:
* An event occurred that made us decide to make a CHANGE in our long distance service.
* We made a conscious decision to switch.
* We selected a company to change to.
* We called that company and made the change.
* The problem is solved. The goal is accomplished!
Success Quotes
All or our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.
Walt Disney
You can often measure a man by the size of his dreams.
Robert Schuller
What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail.
Anthony Robbins
Be courageous! Have faith! Go forward.
Thomas Edison
If you don't have a vision, Create one!
If you have a vision and don't like it, Change it!
If you have a great vision, Bring it to life!
George Devack